Sunday, June 15, 2008


The final hours before I ship off to the land of goats and gers has arrived. Luckily, I received my passport, with an official looking Chinese visa, on Thursday, so I'm clear to leave the country. All that worrying sure was worth it (NOT!)...

Speaking of worrying, I made a remarkable observation about myself today. I really don't consider every angle of my choices until the last minute. For instance, today (the day before I leave) I began to freak out about how I am going to get around Beijing once I'm there. I can't speak Chinese, I don't own a map, I haven't read a guidebook. I'm going to die. But, with a few deep breaths, I calmed myself, realized that there is nothing I can do at this point, and prayed to God that everything will turn out OK. I guess this delay of nervousness helps me. I'd never leave my house without it!

I packed my bags (25% clothing, 75% pharmaceuticals) and everything fit fairly easily. Ironically, this issue, which is normally my biggest problem with traveling, went smoothly. Confucius says: A good omen this is!

Many people have told me that they are sending positive vibes and plenty of prayers my way for a safe journey. I really want to thank all of you for this. I know that this trip will yield productive research and great memories. I'll be sure to share my photos and stories when I get back (here and in person).

For now, I'll leave you with this photo (courtesy of this website) of Lake Hovsgol, where I'll eventually be staying. Enjoy!

1 comment:

felicia said...

u dont have a map??!! hahaha...well they will probably have maps at the airport...ur so funny...have an awesome time dan! this blog thing is a great idea