Saturday, November 8, 2008

A German Obama?

I just checked the website of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich's major daily and an influential newspaper throughout Germany (similar to the New York Times or Washington Post in the USA). One of the stories really jumped out at me.

Imran Ayata, a German author of Turkish decent, wrote a column/story about the fictional Leyla Lena, a German politician of Turkish decent. She goes from relative political obscurity to rock-star status in no time as her young, adoring fans promote her political agenda. She runs for the position of Bundeskanzlerin against an old-time German candidate who says he is more a part of the "volk" than she is. She wins on a platform of restoring Germany's allure and prominence in the world-- attracting young people and jobs, setting an example for the rest of Europe and the world.

Funny how Obama has inspired so many people here, not just in America. The lead in to the story even says, "Ja, wir können." Yes, we can.

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