Sunday, November 23, 2008


This morning I got up early to bike down to the Munich Cathedral to celebrate the mass (auf Deutsch: Gottesdienst) of "Christkönig," the last Sunday of the liturgical year. After my beautiful ride through the English Garden, I made it to downtown. Dozens of church bells greeted me as each tried to lure the faithful into one of the dozen churches crowding central Munich.

This video lets you hear the sounds of the city on a Sunday morning. Even though I was standing right next to the Frauenkirche (the big cathedral) when I took the video, the sounds are coming from the Frauenkirche and several other churches in the area.

Mass itself was formal, as I expected, but also incredibly ornate. Four priests (one of the them from France) presided over the service accompanied by what appeared to be several deacons and a cadre of alter boys. A boys choir sang in concert with a few male and female vocalists. The priests used the incense liberally, filling the cavernous cathedral with its strong scent. 

The congregation was polite and kind. On the way in, I dropped my hat and someone rushed to pick it up for me. On the way out, the older gentleman I sat next to wished me a happy Sunday. 

I was also probably one of the youngest there. Although I expected the dearth of young adults that I've heard about and see in the states, too, I didn't expect the complete lack of young children. No families attended this mass-- though that could have something to do with the fact that it was the cathedral in the middle of downtown.

The sermon also touched upon a big issue for the Church in Germany today. Europeans view themselves as increasingly secular and want to live in a more secular soceity. The Church used to have quite a large influence in politics and every day life, until the hippie revolution of the 1960s began to change the Germans' mindsets. Without a significant rebirth or renewal, the church continued to lose congregants until today. It doesn't help that if you register with a church/religion, the government automatically takes a "donation" out of your paycheck with your taxes!

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